chain folding
- n.链折叠

Symmetry studies of chain folding in crystalline polymers
Self-seeding nucleation leads to the decrease of crystallization active energy and chain folding work , promotes the overall crystallization process of PTT .
The motive force of the main chain folding of MT was discussed .
Energy state of chain folding in polyethylene lamella
The results show that the molecules are arranged in random coiling and β chain folding structures , as well as in α helical conformation .
LCB structure increases the chain folding energy and makes molecular chain fold back more hardly , so it will facilitate the formation of γ crystal .
It provides a testing method , that is to use the infrared absorption spectra , to discuss the variations of regular chain folding in the terylene fibre in technical processing .
The STM results demonstrated that the concentration and structure of side chains not only affected the supramolecular order on the interface , but also the chain folding in the adsorbed layer .
The dataset maybe was important to those researches such as the structure of X - Pro peptide bond , the relation between amino acid sequence and structure , peptide chain folding kinetics .
DSC results indicated that the crystallization temperature of PTT increased obviously after the process of self-seeding nucleation . The decrease of crystallization active energy and chain folding work indicates that the self-nucleation can greatly promote the overall crystallization of PTT .
The results of isothermal crystallization kinetics study indicates that the crystallization half-time ( t_ 1 / 2 ) of HIPP is longer , while its activation energy (Δ E ) and chain folding surface free energy (σ _e ) are higher , compared with those of iPP .
The molecular chaperone ( molecular chaperones ) are a group of widespreads from bacteria to human proteins , non-covalent reconciliation with the nascent chain folding of proteins chain binding , and help them fold and transport , usually not involved in the physiological functions of target proteins .
By adjusting the sequence of amino acids in polypeptides can effectively control the chain interaction , chain folding modes , and control their assembly into proteins with different structures and living functions .